Summer 2018
Veerababu and Priyanka started their work at TCIL. Their work will be focused on advanced water treatment and membrane technologies. Welcome!
Nebraska Environmental Trust (NET) partnered with TCIL to develop a new approach for rejuvenating RO membranes.
Department of Interior award fund to TCIL for developing a novel solar-driven desalination technology.
Spring 2018
Congratulations to Fatma and Jake on their graduation. Jake will pursue his Ph.D. in University of Colorado Boulder.
Lindsey, Daniel, Paul, and Andy Joined TCI. Welcome All!
Fall 2017
Congratulations to Jesse, our summer intern who was honored in the semifinals for the Siemens competition. This is one of the most prestigious competitions for High School STEM research. Link!
Alexandra joined TCI. Welcome!
Tung and Ben joined TCI. Welcome!
Spring 2017
Jake joined the group, welcome Jake!
Kim Yip joined the group, welcome Kim Yip!
Fall 2016
Abdullah joined the group, welcome Abdullah!
Group attended AIChE meeting.
Summer 2016
Professor Nejati started at UNL.